
Stop scrolling, start hiring

Just tell us what you need. Our expert recruiters  find, reach out, and schedule qualified candidates on your calendar.

All at a fraction of the cost of an agency.

A recruiter uses RecruiterCloud to find the perfect candidate.
hiring so simple, it feels like magic.

Meet wellfound:ai

Source smarter, hire faster

Simply outline your ideal hire, and we'll have qualified & interested candidates booked on your calendar by the next day. It’s that easy.

Our experts work directly with your team to source
from a pool of 500M+ candidates. We make daily improvements based on your feedback and candidate interest.

We confirm candidates’ interest in the role upfront
next-level search, next-level talent

Enriched talent profiles

Our AI-powered search goes beyond surface-level keyword match. We aggregate billions of data points to fill in candidate profiles with missing skills and insights about their work experience, so you never miss a fit.

Interact with Impact

Hyper-personalized outreach at scale

We’ll review hundreds of profiles each week and reach out to 50-100 best-fits with personalized templates proven to convert top talent.

When interested candidates respond, we’ll handle the back-and-forth. All that’s needed from you is one-click to approve.

You reject or approve from the list. We do the rest.
Booked & busy

Check your calendar for top matches

Once you approve a candidate, we’ll handle scheduling them on your calendar, all while sending polite rejections to the rest.

10+ years of fostered connections

Real community, better connection.

Other AI sourcing tools rely on scraped, unreliable data pulled from online profiles.
At best, these tools can tell you what a candidate has done, not what they want to do.

wellfound:ai is different. Millions of job-seekers use Wellfound to find their next opportunity. They provide a complete picture of what they are looking for and what they've worked on. RecruiterCloud uses this proprietary data to make better matches, get more responses, and create more successful connections.

“Honestly, there was no reason for me to jump on calls with these candidates other than my sourcer had previously sent me really qualified people and I trusted them. They knew what they were doing, and they were certainly right.”
Max Geller
Head of Recruiting @ Adonis
“I tried a ton of AI-recruiting platforms, tried LinkedIn, and it was all just so much noise. Then I worked with Wellfound’s expert sourcers — they are so prompt and polite and saved me so much time. I just wanted the good candidates and that’s what I got”.
Kevin Xu
Founder & CEO at AfterHour
“My sourcer met with me, understood the job, screened every single candidate, and only sent me candidates that were worth considering. I was very picky, so they continued to work with me to refine the search. It was amazing service. Through the process we’ve got two viable candidates we could extend offers to.”
Alex Westner
CEO of Xander

Read the case study.
“Kyle matched my expectations for what a good sourcer would do. The volume started coming pretty good in weeks 2 & 3 and it was solid. I could tell the difference in the quality of conversation and could tell that this was a good way to go”
Viren Tellis
Co-Founder & CEO at Uthana
“Wellfound’s RecruiterCloud has been a game changer for our startup! After searching for months through traditional recruiters, we discovered that Wellfound had access and resources to source higher-quality candidates at a faster pace. The personalized service was first-rate. Our sourcer helped us find the perfect person saving us time and money!”
Nathan Cole
Business Operations Manager at Salad Technologies
“We have a high bar, so we need to interview A LOT until we find the right candidate — they were able to provide us with both quantity and quality candidates in a short amount of time. We started to use RecruiterCloud in January, and by February we made our first hire. You can count on them to work with your team’s needs to maximize your sourcing reach, save time, and find great candidates for your roles.”
Camila Alano
People and Culture Lead at Radiant Security
Find the right plan for you

Pricing designed to give you the best return

Our pricing is designed to be a fraction of the cost compared to traditional methods of recruiting. Whether you're just getting started, expanding your team, or on a hiring spree, we’ll meet you where you’re at with flexible plans that fit your needs.

To provide you with the best pricing option, we just need a few details.


Do candidates come from Wellfound?

We source from our pool of 10M+ startup-minded candidates as well as a wider network of 500M+ to find you the absolute best matches for your roles.

What types of roles do you source for?

Right now, we’re rolling out the beta for tech product, engineering and growth roles. We plan to expand to other roles in the near future.

How do I get started?

Reach out to our team and we’ll help you get everything set up (fully optimized and personalized to your needs).

Have more questions?

Schedule a call with our team and we’ll be happy to help.